Más Barato Helle Outdoormesser Alden - Cuchillo de hoja fija, color marrón en Amazon

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Si estás buscando para la parte superior recomendada Cuchillos de hoja fija, entonces Helle Outdoormesser Alden - Cuchillo de hoja fija, color marrón es nuestra sugerencia. Muchas buenas críticas ya demuestran la calidad de este producto. Y también vas a satisfacer con el costo razonable en caso de que se compare con el otro artículo similar que está en Internet. Si desea conocer más a fondo estos productos, a continuación se detallan sus características principales.

El producto es muy bueno!

  • Tamaño: 11 cm

Helle Outdoormesser Alden - Cuchillo de hoja fija, color marrón Helle Outdoormesser Alden - Cuchillo de hoja fija, color marrón

Helle Alden Knife


The Alden is named after the island Alden. Alden is still an important landmark for Fishermen coming home from the sea. The island is situated just of the coast from where the Helle factory is situated.

The Alden has a non-laminated stainless steel blade (12C27) and curly birch handle with stainless steel fittings towards the blade. It has a small and useful finger guard to fit in a pouch style sheath.


Helle knives are designed to retain their sharpness as a lifelong outdoors companion. But it is still important to take care of your knife and its sheath.

The Handle. Dry the handle with a soft cloth if wet and wax occasionally.

The Sheath. The leather needs to be impregnated occasionally with colourless impregnation agent (grease or wax) to keep supple. Dry the sheath carefully in room temperature if it becomes wet.

The Blade. Wipe the blade with a soft cloth if wet and treat with grease occasionally.


Use a diamond tool or a wet stone for sharpening. Place the knife bevel flat to the sharpening tool and work the entire blade. Work one side until you can feel a slight burr on the opposite side. Switch side and repeat the procedure until you feel the burr on the first side. You have now established an edge.

Remove the burr by stroking the blade gently over the sharpening surface on both sides, as if cutting very thin slices. Keep the bevel flat towards the sharpener and move from side to side until the burr is gone.

If the blade is very dull or damaged, use a fine-grained grindstone and plenty of water and sharpen until you have a raw edge. Use much cooling liquid and never sharpen on a dry stone. A hot-ground edge looses its heat treatment and ruins the blade.


Título: Helle Outdoormesser Alden - Cuchillo de hoja fija, color marrón
Categoría: Cuchillos de hoja fija
Marca: Helle
Precio Original: EUR 117,52
Precio de Venta: EUR 117,52. ¡Ladrar! Esto es lo que quiero decir que guardará:
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Más Barato Helle Outdoormesser Alden - Cuchillo de hoja fija, color marrón en Amazon Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin

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